Cervical osteochondrosis is a dystrophic dysfunction of the cervical discs. The disease manifests as severe pain in the head, neck, and upper back.
The danger of osteochondrosis is not only the deterioration of quality of life, but also the risk of disability.
Characteristics of the course of SOC in women
The symptoms of spinal disease development in men and women are actually the same, but there are still some differences. In women, cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed more frequently. This is due to anatomical features.
Unlike women, men's shoulder girdle is muscular and supports the cervical spine.
refer to.The condition of the spine is negatively affected by further periods of pregnancy and childcare.
The development of cervical osteochondrosis in women may be due to hormonal changes that occur during aging. After menopause, the metabolic and nutritional processes of cartilage tissue slow down.
Causes and Factors
There are many reasons why women develop SOS. The most common are menopausal changes in the body. During this period, the amount of progesterone in a woman's body drops significantly. Due to these processes, the support of the spine becomes weaker.Other reasons include the following factors:
- loop problem;
- passive lifestyle;
- the presence of excess weight;
- a lot of physical activity;
- Immunocompromised;
- hereditary;
- Spinal cord injury;
- hormonal problems;
- low temperature.
The list of triggering factors is extensive. Women need to be especially careful to monitor their health and support the immune system.
How the disease manifests at an early stage

It is important to recognize signs of disease development in a timely manner.Early symptoms include:
- A feeling of stiffness in the neck;
- Sudden snoring during sleep;
- frequent headaches;
- finger and shoulder discomfort;
- Periodic numbness of the extremities;
- Pain radiating to the neck.
place sign
For cervical osteochondrosis, there are many local symptoms.These include the following manifestations:
- narrow;
- reflex stimulation syndrome;
- radiculopathy syndrome;
- heart syndrome.
Stenosis involves disruption of blood circulation in the affected area. The patient feels stiffness and pain. There may be numbness and tingling in the extremities.
Reflex irritation syndrome can present as a burning, tingling sensation.Pain may radiate to the shoulder joint or to the chest.
Radicular syndrome causes headaches. Sometimes there is a problem with speaking.
Cardiac syndrome is similar in nature to an angina attack. In some cases, blood pressure increases and cardiac arrhythmias occur.
signs of acute illness
In the acute phase, deformation of the vertebrae was observed, compressing the vertebral arteries.Since blood does not enter the brain, the following deviations are observed:
- speech impairment;
- Dizziness;
- tinnitus;
- double vision.
Pain can radiate to the stomach, heart, and lungs. Pulling pain from the neck to the shoulder blade occurs when the nerve endings in the neck area are pinched.
Stages of the disease and its unique features
SHOC takes place in several stages. Each of them has their own unique symptoms.In general, there are 4 main stages in the development of osteochondrosis:
- In the early stages, the disease looks like dehydration of the nucleus pulposus. The patient has a crack in the annulus fibrosus.
- The second stage involves saggy muscles and ligaments. As a result, the vertebrae develop an imbalance of motion. This stage of disease development is characterized by displacement of the vertebrae.
- The third stage of development is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. The patient presented with a herniated disc and arthropathy.
- The fourth stage is the final stage. A distinguishing feature is the osteophyte. Bone growths form on the surface of the vertebrae. Increased fibrous tissue.
Without prompt diagnosis and treatment, the disease can lead to disability.
If the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor for an examination and to prescribe appropriate treatment.In addition to collecting medical records, doctors may prescribe diagnostic studies.
Instrument inspection method
Instrumental diagnostic methods will help to accurately diagnose and determine the patient's condition. The most common prescribed procedures are:

- X-ray;
- Myelography studies;
- Ultrasound;
- nuclear magnetic resonance.
Plain radiographs are required to get a picture of the entire spine or its affected portion.With its help, doctors will be able to determine the localization of the pathology. For osteochondrosis in pictures of the spine, you can see the presence of bone growth and narrowing of the discs.
A more complex type of diagnosis is a myelography study. It includes the fact that contrast fluid is injected into the spinal canal.
important.Such a procedure can be dangerous, as allergic reactions or spinal cord injuries can occur.
Such studies allow you to study the inner structure of the spinal canal.
CT and MRI are among the most effective diagnostic methods. Based on their results, osteochondrosis can be distinguished from other diseases with similar symptoms.
medical treatement
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should be comprehensive. An important part is medication.In most cases, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:
- analgesics;
- Anti-inflammatory (drug;
- chondroprotective agent;
- muscle relaxants;
- vitamins.
Analgesics include nonsteroidal drugs that relieve pain. Most of these drugs irritate the lining of the digestive tract.
To relieve the inflammatory process, hormonal drugs are prescribed.Effective steroid medications include glucocorticoid-based ointments and tablets.
The chondroprotective agent contains in its composition substances that replace the components of cartilage tissue - hyaluronic acid and chondroitin. In order to obtain a lasting effect from taking such drugs, a rather long course of treatment is prescribed.
To relax muscle tension, muscle relaxants are recommended.These are adjunctive medications for pain relief. Muscle relaxants should only be administered parenterally under expert supervision. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, drugs based on benzimidazole and glycerol are used. They have tons of contraindications.
To maintain the function of the immune system, a vitamin complex is prescribed. They have a positive effect on the peripheral nervous system. The composition must contain fat soluble vitamins E, D, C, E and B vitamins.
Topical ointment is quite effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis.They help relieve inflammation, warmth, and pain relief. You should consult a specialist before using them.
Does the drug work?
Pharmacological treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is quite effective. It frees you from the inflammatory process and relieves pain. For maximum therapeutic effect, medication should be combined with therapeutic exercise and massage.
Before starting gymnastics, you should consult a specialist. During exacerbations, it is better to refuse physical exercise. Importantly, gymnastics don't make the pain worse.
refer to.All exercises are as simple as possible, including head movement and isometric muscle tone.
This gymnastics can be performed both at home and at work. The starting position for almost all exercises is the seated position.Approximate exercise set:
- Head all the way to the right, then to the left. It's important not to be a strong jerk. When turning, the voltage must be maintained for 5 seconds.
- Tilt head to shoulder. You need to try to touch your shoulder with your ear, and you shouldn't raise your hand itself. Exercise should be performed in a pain-free range.
- Head in a circular motion counterclockwise and clockwise. The rotation should be done as slowly as possible.
Such a light charge will help stretch the muscles. In order to bring good results, such gymnastics must be performed regularly. In this case, the increase in load should be gradual and painless.
Massages should only be performed by professionals. It is necessary to exercise the neck area, back and collar area.The following techniques can be applied:
- touch;
- extrusion;
- grinding;
- knead.
Massage should not cause pain. Procedures performed by non-professionals will only make the situation worse.
folk remedies
Alternative treatment methods can be used as additional methods.It can be compressed with fresh horseradish leaves. They are applied to the cervical area and must be kept overnight.
Effective compress of grated potatoes and honey. This procedure should be performed no more than once a week. Folk remedies will help relieve the patient's condition, but not cure the disease.
Is it possible to completely cure SHX?
Cervical osteochondrosis cannot be completely cured.Treatment is aimed at improving the patient's condition and stopping the progression of the disease. Periodic recurrence is possible, so the patient should monitor her condition carefully. The sooner treatment is started, the better the results.
proper nutrition

An important part of preventing cervical osteochondrosis is proper nutrition. The diet should include products containing cartilage tissue synthesis. It can be jelly, jelly or gelatin.
important.The body must have enough protein.
It is found in fish, eggplant and meat. Monitoring water balance is important. Lack of water can cause the disc to become dehydrated.
The diet should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood, pork and beef.
active lifestyle
An active lifestyle can minimize your risk of developing this disease.It is not recommended for women to lift more than 10 kg. If there are problems with the spine, it is recommended to wear a special corset.
In order to have a high-quality and long sleep, it is best to buy a dedicated orthopedic mattress and pillow. Experts recommend swimming, but it's best to say no to running and jumping. During the deterioration period, you cannot visit the baths.
Cervical osteochondrosis is more common in women.It is important to notice the first signs of deviation in time and start treatment. The earlier treatment starts, the better the results.