Frequent back pain in the lower back

To be able to walk on two legs, humans paid the price of back pain. If you have regular back pain in the lumbar area, this may be a sign of severe fatigue, or the result of prolonged periods of uncomfortable posture during work or sleep. But the reasons may be more serious.

cause of pain

low back pain

The lower back is one of the most painful areas. There's a reason for this:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • Scoliosis;
  • herniated disc;
  • tumor;
  • tissue infection.

The nature and intensity of pain depends on the disease. She worries in different ways: after sleeping, exercising, overexerting. For example, renal colic is often accompanied by low back pain. The patient's type of activity does not matter here.

low back pain
  • Pain in the lumbar region is most common due to lumbar osteochondrosis. Moderate pain during sleep, exacerbated by physical exertion. Often tormented by a feeling of tiredness. The heavy feeling leads to the desire to lie down. But relief doesn't always follow.
  • If you have a herniated disc, you can experience severe pain after sudden movement, weight lifting, or a fall.
  • If the hernia is compressed, severe pain, characterized by low back pain, can occur. Waist movement was significantly limited. Damage to the nerve roots can send pain signals in the legs.
  • Intervertebral canal stenosis often occurs in old age. One sign of it is lameness and numbness in the legs, especially after a long walk.
  • Stiffness in the spinal area that appears in the morning indicates the beginning of the development of Bechterew's disease. Initially, severe pain occurs in the sacral area and then spreads to the lumbar area. The feeling after sleep is not rest, but fatigue, which disappears with the onset of exercise. Young men are most affected by the disease. The disease is hereditary. Basically, lower back pain when lying on your back.
  • Acute pain in the lumbar region can also occur with pyelonephritis (an inflammatory process of the kidneys). They are accompanied by a rise in body temperature and swelling after going to bed in the morning.
  • Often in older men, conditions such as abdominal aortic aneurysm develop. Abdominal pain and throbbing are the result of the aorta compressing nearby organs.
  • Low back pain, fever, and burning nerves are signs of shingles. This viral disease affects cells in the spinal cord. A pink rash on the body, followed by blistering.
  • Another common condition that many consider harmless is flat feet. A deformed foot increases the load on the spine when walking. Pain is lessened during sleep.
  • If the vertebrae have congenital changes: irregular shapes or changes in fissures, they will sooner or later be felt.
  • Autoimmune pathology, especially multiple sclerosis, is a predisposing factor for various localized pains. Including low back pain.
Swelling of the head is the cause of low back pain

There are other reasons for lower back pain. This can be a complication after osteoporosis, genitourinary infection, hemorrhoids, neoplastic disease, viral or bacterial infection. It even affects women's physiological changes, which occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

Pain from visceral disease

When wondering why the lower back is painful, it can sometimes be hard to believe that the cause might be inside an organ. The truth is that, in some cases, pain from the internal organs "radiates" to the lower back.

  • Right pleurisy, pneumonia - causes of pain in the right lower back. Associated symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, fever. Left-sided pleurisy signals pain to the left lower back, which is aggravated by bending over while in the supine position during sleep.
  • Cholelithiasis can also cause severe pain in the upper right side of the waist, along with belching and nausea. They have a piercing character.
  • Internal organ pain radiating to the lower back
  • Band pain in the lower back can occur due to pancreatitis. Her companion was nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe pain under the left shoulder blade is usually the result of a myocardial infarction.
  • In men, lesions of the prostate can cause pain in the area below the waist and transition into the sacrum. Women have cystitis.
  • Distal Gastrointestinal Disorders - Causes of pain below the waist.

pain provocateur

Pain can also be caused by:

  1. Body temperature is too low.
  2. strenuous physical activity.
  3. Certain sports (bodybuilding, bodybuilding, weightlifting, weight training).
  4. creek.
  5. fracture.
  6. Women's menstrual cycle.
  7. Wrong nutrition.
  8. pressure.
  9. Uncomfortable posture when sleeping.
Poor sleeping posture is the cause of back pain

lower back pain in children

New technologies not only bring benefits to our world, but also harms. Why? Because of the love of computers since childhood, children have been deprived of sufficient physical activity and formed incorrect postures.

IMPORTANT: If you choose the right chair and table for your child, you can avoid spinal curvature!

Carrying a heavy backpack, flat feet, and uncomfortable shoes can lead to scoliosis. Be kind to him! Excessive physical activity and weight lifting are contraindicated in children. When exercising in the sports area, pay special attention to your child's complaints of back discomfort after training. We can talk about spinal hernias. Prompt treatment will allow the child to live a fulfilling life.

Doctor examining the back of a child with low back pain

type of pain

The nature of pain is divided into the following categories:

  • Spasms in the long back muscles can cause acute pain. This happens due to stretching. This question is familiar to athletes and people with specific occupations associated with back muscle stress. In the supine position, the pain is lessened a little. The main location is the lower back.
  • Spinal injuries, known as fractures, are very dangerous. It can occur in an unsuccessful fall or as a consequence of osteoporosis, Paget's disease, hyperparathyroidism.
  • Displacement of the disc causes pain due to compression of the nerve root. Due to this, the patient's mobility is limited, sensitivity is impaired, and the knee-jerk reflex is reduced. The danger of the disease is also that healthy vertebrae begin to injure, which can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs, which are the cause of disturbed sleep.
  • 31% of facet joint syndromes cause back pain. This degenerative process traps the sacs of the intervertebral joints, causing not only lower back pain but also leg pain. Low back pain in sitting position, side bending or leaning back, standing for a long time.
  • The infectious inflammatory process of the epidural space is a very serious and dangerous disease. It can be fatal if left untreated.


Getting medical attention right away when you have low back pain is the key to successful treatment. Even if the pain only bothers you at night or after sleep, there are reasons to see a specialist.

After analyzing the cause, the doctor will give advice on how to treat and not get sick. Treatment will be complex, using ointments, tablets, injections, massage and physical therapy exercises.

go to the doctor for back pain

NSAIDs lead the way in treating low back pain:

  1. During the initial phase, the first 3-5 days, the treatment is carried out with the help of injections to relieve pain and inflammation. They act quickly to effectively relieve acute pain by injecting the drug directly into the blood or muscle.
  2. Then, anti-inflammatory and analgesic tablets, chondroprotective agents, stimulant drugs (in each case individually) are used.
  3. Also, apply an ointment treatment. A properly chosen ointment can help relieve inflammation in the affected area and can also be heated if necessary.

Eliminate reflex muscle tension with the help of muscle relaxants. With their help, pain syndromes are treated and mobility is restored. 3 to 7 days to apply.

B-group vitamin preparations are a necessary addition to primary therapy.

back pain medicine

In some cases, drug blockade is necessary. Anesthetics are administered epidurally or paravertebally. It is used for degenerative changes in the spine.


  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Magnetic therapy.

Massage relieves acute pain by improving blood circulation. Kneading the muscles is good for the elasticity and flexibility of the ligaments. To improve the overall tone of the body, massage can be combined with a bath or sauna only with the permission of the attending physician. Do not warm up during an infection!

Pain during pregnancy can be relieved by wearing special bandages.

Patients with flat feet must wear orthopedic insoles.


Physical exercise is also a form of therapy. They strengthen back muscles, improve posture, increase muscle tone, and increase blood circulation. They are used not only for comprehensive treatment, but also for the prevention of low back pain. As in the case of drug therapy, therapeutic exercises are prescribed individually in each case, analysing the main cause of the disease. But there are several general exercises, 5-10 times each, best done in the morning to avoid overwork.

  1. When standing, lean your body alternately to the right, forward, backward, and left.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your body to your sides.
  3. On all fours, do a "kitten": arch your back in the lower back.
  4. Lie on your back with your legs bent at your knees and your arms along your body. Raise and lower the pelvis, gradually increasing the range of motion.
  5. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms resting on your body. Alternately bend your legs at your knees and pull up to your chest.
  6. Stand on all fours, swinging your legs alternately.

Whatever the cause, only a specialist can determine the cause of back pain, identify the "culprit" of the disease and prescribe the correct and effective treatment. Like any other disease, self-medication is not worth it! Not only can any medicine heal, but it can also cause harm if not chosen correctly.