Types, symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the back

The musculoskeletal system is the most important part of our body. Usually, back pain causes the need to see a doctor.

The cause of frequent back pain, exercise stiffness, and muscle cramps is osteochondrosis of the back-a disease of the bones and cartilage tissue and the musculoskeletal system caused by various factors that affect the body.

Neck and waist pain caused by osteochondrosis

Back osteochondrosis is a problem faced by many people.

The etiology and pathogenesis of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis on the back gradually manifests, potentially affecting all new areas of the spine. Initially, the structure of the vertebral cartilage discs changes: they lose their elasticity, the space between the vertebrae shrinks, and the spinal cord nerve endings are violated.

The patient began to feel back pain. Subsequently, the changes exceed the smaller part of the vertebral structure, the growth and development of degenerative bone tissue hinders the movement of the spine, healthy cartilage cells are destroyed, and the disease affects the bones and ligaments. As a side effect, the deformation of the vertebrae increases the load on the organs and arteries. This is due to the peculiarities of the blood supply-the displacement of the spine segments causes compression of the vertebral arteries, which eventually leads to serious disturbances of blood flow in the central nervous system.

Osteochondrosis back pain

The main problems that cause the spine formation and the process of osteochondrosis to be violated are nutritional deficiencies and reduced blood supply to the skeletal structure and tissues. The reasons for development are many factors of a person's external and internal influences and behavioral processes.

Endogenous (internal) causes include:

  • Hereditary genetic factors;
  • Violation of the metabolism of trace elements (phosphorus and calcium);
  • Characteristics of cartilage tissue;
  • Age-related physical changes;
  • Excess weight;
  • Orthopedic diseases.
Spinal injury with osteochondrosis

Due to exogenous (external) causes and lifestyle, the development of osteochondrosis is due to:

  • Low level of physical development of back muscles;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Improper posture, scoliosis;
  • Systemic incorrect or uncomfortable posture;
  • Unbalanced diet, eating greasy junk food;
  • Uneven physical exertion, overloaded back;
  • bad habits;
  • Constant pressure.

The latent form of osteochondrosis can manifest as violent weightlifting, jumping, and falling, which can cause microtrauma to the intervertebral disc and invasion of nerve roots.

At that time, the patient will first feel severe shooting pain. In the future, pain syndromes will recur again and again with different intensities. The affected neural stem cells indicate the need for urgent medical intervention.

Classification of diseases, main stages

In medicine, osteochondrosis is classified according to the affected area of the spine:

  • cervix;
  • Chest;
  • Lumbar and sacrum.
Doctor and woman suffering from osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis on the back is classified according to the affected area.

The main stages of disease development:

  1. The beginning of the development of osteochondrosis-microcracks are formed in the annulus fibrosus, and water is lost from bone and cartilage tissue. This stage is manifested as slight discomfort in an area of the spine after physical exertion or physical discomfort.
  2. The first painful attack made them feel it themselves. In the second stage, the intervertebral disc is herniated, the intervertebral disc space is reduced, the fibrous capsule collapses, and the nerve root is compressed. Pain is a signal of the disordered process of cartilage tissue metabolism and its destruction. Neglecting the second stage of osteochondrosis can cause inflammation of the cartilage, which invades nerve fibers, blood and lymph vessels.
  3. In the third stage of the disease, the affected vertebrae deform and cartilage tissue is removed. Through appropriate active treatment, further destruction of cartilage cells and curvature of the spine can be prevented. But in the future, supportive therapy and care will become the constant partner of patients for normal physical activity.
  4. Osteochondrosis, which has entered the final fourth stage of development, often becomes the cause of disability. All destructive processes are irreversible: significant displacement of vertebral structure, compaction of cartilage tissue, pathological growth of bone tissue. Every movement of the patient will experience severe and sometimes intolerable pain.


The signs of the development of joint osteochondrosis can easily be confused with other diseases with similar symptoms. In addition, the symptoms of individual parts of the vertebral structure have characteristic features.

Check for osteochondrosis by a doctor

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis include:

  • Stiff, creaking, creaking or heavy when moving;
  • Pain in areas of inflammation (cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine) of different intensity and characteristics;
  • Numbness in limbs;
  • Muscle weakness, impaired performance;
  • The pain occurs and radiates along the nerve channels to the relevant parts of the body (shoulder, scapula, leg).

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is manifested as the following diseases:

  • Pain in the neck or back of the head;
  • Dizziness;
  • Tinnitus, hearing and vision impairment;
  • Sluggish neck after sleeping or keeping the same posture for a long time;
  • Pain when turning the head.
Neck pain with osteochondrosis

For cervical osteochondrosis, dizziness and pain may occur when turning the head. The initial pain sensation appears in the back of the head, similar to the head. Inflamed cartilage compresses nerve fibers, causing vasospasm.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

The development of thoracic osteochondrosis can be masked as a cardiovascular disease for a long time. Its characteristic symptoms:

  • Violations of touch and numbness of the limbs;
  • Tingling in the intercostal space;
  • Pain in the heart area, heart rhythm disturbance;
  • Respiratory function is limited and the sternum is heavy;
  • Destruction of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, abdominal distension);
  • The pain is radiated to the scapula area.
Thoracic spine injury with osteochondrosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis

The advanced form of lumbar osteochondrosis can lead to disability. The inflamed area of the spine stops the supply of necessary trace elements to the lower extremities to ensure the full function of joints and muscles. Compression of neural stem cells can cause unbearable back pain and medication.

The main symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis include:

  • Numbness in the lower limbs;
  • Muscle aches, weakness;
  • Chills
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Reproductive system dysfunction;
  • The pain in the waist area may be severe or painful and radiate to the legs.
Osteochondrosis back pain


On average, 20 out of every 1, 000 residents are diagnosed with osteochondrosis. Diseases like osteochondrosis are difficult to diagnose at an early stage. Its symptoms are quite insidious, and only in 2-3 stages, when serious medical treatment is required, will it clearly show up.

If osteochondrosis is suspected, it is necessary to consult a specialist first, conduct a comprehensive examination, make a differential diagnosis and confirm the diagnosis.

Doctors use three standard diagnostic methods:

  1. Neuropathy.
  2. instrumental music.
  3. laboratory.

The patient's main nervous system examination is performed by a neurologist to determine the type of nerve structure affected by the disease. In addition, in order to rule out diseases of different nature with similar symptoms, patients can be sent for X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, and ECG examinations.

Laboratory (analysis)

Laboratory diagnosis has consulting-assisting value. Blood tests showed an increase in red blood cell sedimentation rate and a decrease in calcium levels. This means the pathological process of the body, but does not indicate the details of its development. Therefore, this method is included in the comprehensive examination of patients, and the results are deciphered on the basis of other medical data.

Blood test for osteochondrosis

instrumental music

The use of professional equipment for diagnosis can provide the most accurate results about different types of diseases. The main research tools are:

  1. X-ray-reveals the anatomical changes of bone, cartilage, and nerve tissue.
  2. MRI-magnetic resonance imaging. Allows you to visualize the processes that occur in bones and soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerve fibers.
  3. CT (Computed Tomography)-similar to MRI, but it produces radiation.
  4. Electromyography-can decipher neurological symptoms.
X-ray and MRI pictures of osteochondrosis

Traditional treatment

The treatment plan for osteochondrosis is traditional. Its ingredients are treated with drugs in different directions: NSAIDs, chondroprotectants, analgesics, hormones and supportive vitamin complexes. In addition to using drugs to combat osteochondrosis, physical therapy, manual therapy, reflexology, surgery, massage, and preventive measures are also used to reduce the burden on the body.

Drugs for treating osteochondrosis

medical treatement

It is impossible to stop back pain immediately due to osteochondrosis, but medication can give the lower back a chance to breathe. Powerful anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) will provide analgesia and begin to fight inflammation in the spine area. Indispensable drugs for the treatment of back osteochondrosis:

  1. Cartilage protective agents are active substances that restore the elasticity of cartilage tissue and the mobility of vertebrae.
  2. Muscle relaxants-soothe the spasm of the muscle structure.
  3. Blood vessels-improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  4. Vitamin complex and antioxidants.

Only when using a properly selected therapeutic complex can positive dynamics be achieved and the result maintained for a long time.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the back, different forms of drugs are used:

  1. External medicine: ointment, cream, gel.
  2. Oral preparations: capsules, tablets.
  3. Drug injection.

operation treatment

Unfortunately, there are cases of osteochondrosis, when the treatment time is missed and the medicine does not give the expected results, the disease will progress. Then the only solution is surgery. The main reasons for the operation are:

  1. Removal of the intervertebral hernia that compresses the spinal cord.
  2. Reduce the intervertebral fissure to 1/3 of its original size.
Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis

Doctors can prescribe referrals for surgical intervention based on the patient's complete diagnosis pictures and direct indications for the removal of pathological defects. In spinal surgery, discectomy dominates-surgical removal of deformed intervertebral discs. The instrument can be microdiscectomy, B-Twin system or laser vaporization of the nucleus. The recovery period after spinal surgery lasts for six months.


An excellent supportive treatment for osteochondrosis is gymnastics or exercise therapy. Regular exercise will help:

  1. Muscle-strengthening corset-this is necessary for even load on the spine.
  2. Stimulate blood circulation and saturate bone and muscle tissue.
  3. Develop the correct posture.
Osteochondrosis gymnastics

It is important to remember that the exercises must be tailored to the diagnosis and adhere to the following principles:

  1. Regularity of execution.
  2. The movements are smooth and less convulsive.
  3. If there is pain, you need to reduce the load or stop exercising.
  4. Monitor your health.


Physiotherapy is suitable for patients with back osteochondrosis to relieve inflammation, and is performed in places where the disease is concentrated. The treatment course helps:

  1. Increase the body's resistance.
  2. Restore the metabolism of the affected department.
  3. Relieve pain and swelling.
  4. Improve vascular circulation.
Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

To choose a physical therapy for osteochondrosis, you need to clearly define the desired outcome. Mainly used:

  1. Laser Treatment.
  2. Ultrasonic exposure.
  3. Electrical stimulation.
  4. Magnetic therapy.


There is no single dietary choice for patients with osteochondrosis. However, doctors agree that it is absolutely not recommended to use the following categories of products for this diagnosis:

  1. Fatty broth.
  2. Pork and other fatty meats.
  3. Animal fat in birds (geese, ducks).
  4. Coffee, caffeinated spirits.
Vegetable salad for treating osteochondrosis

In addition, the alcohol and sweets on the menu are limited.

Take dieting as an example, you can use the 15th diet. It includes all important macronutrients, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. The energy value of the correct menu should be at the level of 2600-2700 kcal, which is equivalent to 85-90 grams of protein, 350-400 grams of carbohydrates and 90-95 grams of fat.

Therefore, the ideal menu for osteochondrosis patients is a combination of balanced non-nutritive foods rich in vitamins and minerals. The meal is divided into small portions 6 times.

Traditional treatment

Folk remedies are often used at home to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and muscle spasms, and generally increase physical strength. There are many recipes for decoctions and infusions in traditional medicine, which are mainly used in three ways:

  • wipe;
  • compression;
  • Herbal bath.
Massage treatment of osteochondrosis

Daily use will allow you to get rid of discomfort within 10-14 days. Traditionally, folk remedies can be divided into systemic effects and local effects on the body.

System Tool

To affect the entire body and spine, you can use natural systemic preparations in the form of decoctions.

An example of a positive effect is the effect of yarrow decoction, which relieves pain, fights inflammation, and soothes.

Local fund

Local treatments of folk formulas include ointments, compresses and friction infusions. These funds must be mixed according to the formula and applied to the inflamed area, but the premise is that it is not allergic to the ingredients and does not damage the skin. Among the popular ingredients, pay special attention to honey dressings, ginger paste on calendula pharmacy tinctures, a mixture of plantain and sage, rubbed with vodka and horseradish.

Apply ointment to the lower back to treat osteochondrosis

To choose effective methods and recipes, you need to consult your doctor, because home remedies are only an integral part of general treatment and only have an auxiliary effect.


Without preventive measures, the treatment of back diseases cannot achieve long-term success. Even the most effective and expensive drugs cannot guarantee the recovery of symptoms due to the restoration of daily stress on the body. Therefore, some simple rules must be used to consolidate and maintain the positive impact:

  1. Do not lift objects weighing more than 10 kg.
  2. Monitor the even distribution of the back muscle load.
  3. Pay attention to the rationality and balance of nutrition.
  4. Take restorative vitamins and active supplements (mucopolysaccharides).
  5. Develop a system for changing rest and work.
  6. Stay physically active.

Remember, this type of disease is latent in nature. Therefore, when the diagnosis is made, even if there are no obvious symptoms, the osteochondrosis of the back should not continue to develop. Following all the doctor’s recommendations and home care can allow you to return to normal working conditions faster after treatment, but continuous monitoring is required to prevent the condition from getting worse.